Emergency Wills and Same-Day Wills
There are certain circumstances under which you may need a Will prepared incredibly quickly. This is known as an emergency Will.
Sadly, these are surprisingly common. But it’s without doubt better to have some kind of Will, than not have one at all. That's why Estate Legal Solutions has Will options that don’t take long to complete and administer, and can potentially alleviate significant and expensive problems further down the line.
In the event that you are admitted to hospital or are going on holiday and would like a Will produced as a matter of urgency then we will be able to take instructions and create the document ready for signing and witnessing.
This Will may not allow time for proper tax planning or advice. As such it should be considered an interim Will.
If it is being written as a deathbed Will then thought should be given to the prospects of it being challenged. Your estate planner should provide you with information about the risks of excluding people from your Will that may be considered to be entitled.
For an emergency Will or Lasting Power of Attorney appointment, please contact us using the red button which will lead directly to whatsapp. We will get back to you within 30 minutes, even if it is an evening or weekend.